Thursday, August 20, 2009

Goooooood morning!

Before you begin working today, take 10 minutes to be sure that you are following ALL of your classmates’ blogs and mine. Look around the classroom to see whose blog you are missing.

Now that you are all set—read through ALL of today’s lab plan so that you can manage your time carefully.

As we continue to look at success and think about what it means, I invite you to watch the following video:

After watching, think about how it relates to the classroom—either from the student’s or teacher’s point of view, then
share your idea(s) in a brief (100-word) blog post.

In making the connection between Richard’s message and the classroom, consider these questions:

What are some problems teachers/students come up against? (Think about your classes or

the classes you are observing during your work experience?)

What does Richard St. John put success down to?

Try to have your post published by 9:15

After you do your post, read at least 3-4 classmates’ blogs. Find one classmate who shares your idea(s), and together
prepare a video on the same topic. In other words, imagine that YOU are the TED experts talking on success in the classroom. Your video does not need to be more than 3 minutes. Be sure you both talk. Be sure you have at least one clear main point and can adequately illustrate it through examples.

Videos need to be uploaded by next Friday, Aug. 28.

Questions? Ask me!

Oh, and because you're wondering: That charming cat is Malik. He's from Limache. Say hi.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Good morning LVI Students,

Welcome to your first lab session. Today, what we’re going to do is get you all started on your new, LVI blogs. When you leave class today, you should have your blog all set up and be "following" your classmates' blogs.

1. To get started, go to the following website: (immediately set the language to English—top, right corner)

2. Optional: To practice some listening skills, click on “Watch a video tutorial” under “Learn More”.

3. Click on “create a blog” to be taken through the steps. If you have questions, ask a classmate or me. Important: Please put your name as the title of your blog. Also, choose a template that puts a date when you publish. This is important so that your assignments are not counted late.

4. Once you have created your blog, you will want to list your classmates as followers. To do this, take these steps:
Click on customize (top right of screen).
Click on “Add a gadget”.
Click on the plus sign (+) next to “Followers”

5. Return to your blog, and type in all of your classmates’ blog addresses so you can easily follow their blogs and interact.

6. Write your first post—Tell about a personal success using the expressions from page 97 in your book. (Minimum word length = 200 words.)

7. Visit at least two of your classmates’ blogs and comment on their first posts.
You can write just a few sentences today.

8. If you finish early, consider going to youtube and watching some other videos that relate to the races we've been talking about. The 4 are listed on page 138 of your book.