Friday, November 6, 2009

Using Sound in the Classroom

This assignment can be done during Monday's normal class or as homework during the week of November 9th. Please have it completed by Friday (November 13) before class, however.

As we pick up where we left off in the book, I invite you to read the article "Using Sound in the Classroom".

(Try to write down a minimum of 6-10 new words that related to sound or listening. For example: to tune out=to not pay attention to).

Post reading activity:
To the right of the article (same webpage), choose the lesson plan under "Learn more" that most appeals to you. (The options relate to the components of sound, Nietnam, Nepal or Cambodia) . Then submit a blog entry of 200-250 words in which you explain why you think this lesson plan would be motivating, intellectually stimulating, or important for children, etc. (Yes, in reality, you probably would have to adapt the lesson to your classroom reality)

Optional idea: Instead of choosing one of the already designed lesson plans, invent a lesson plan in which you would use sounds from Chile! You do not need to be VERY specific for this lesson plan. In other words, you can tell us, in theory, what you would do.

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